Note: The rant about bursaries is about people who SCAM the system, or people who have a lot of money, but seem to get more anyway.
My room smells of smoke, because I am a dirty smoker, my flat mate is an ex smoker so really hates the smell, and I also really hate the smell when I walk into my room coming back from somewhere and the room just utterly stinks of fags, but I love smoking too much to give it up, althought I will have to because I have currently no money. I have reached the end of my overdraft and I am too afraid to ask Parents Bank Plc to give me money after I recently went through my online statements and have found out that they gave me enough money to last till mid december but somehow I have spent it all!!
How people manage to actually pay of their student debt I will never understand. I have a friend who works 40 hours a week ontop of the same law degree I do, how he managed to cope I will never know, but the fact that students get a loan and then have to work really shows that there is something very wrong with the system.
For example I have another friend who gets a full loan (no grant) which in London is £1500 for the September - December period. Now they have to pay rent, now in London even in the east where I live in matchbox houses and more often than not crack dens, rent is around £100 a week. £100 x 3 months of living = no loan. So students are literally forced to go into debt because the student finances twats will not give us more money.
What is more annoying is bursaries and grants, there are a fair number of people out there who receive both, yet back home have more luxury than I do ( I do not receive a grant or bursary )
the trick apparently is to put down one parents salary and not the others, so if you have one high income breadwinner, you just lie and say that you come from a single parent family or the other parent is retired, seems to be the way.
So whilst I have no money (though I do not pay rent so shouldnt really be complaining) others have lots who really shouldnt and should be in the same situation as me!!!
Now I do not want to seem snobby, I am well off enough that my parents can help me and I have friends whose parents cannot afford to keep them whilst they are at university. I am nagging about those people who apply for grants and bursaries, and seem to get them, when they are not eligbile to do so but get them anyway!!
Perhaps I should say that I have four kids living with me in my ex council house oh sorry it's called "ex local authority" then I would get an extra grand that I wouldn't have to pay back!
Bits of interest
5 days ago
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