Right well this is all balls up, none of the information I am getting or reading on the internet seems exactly clear.
It looks like TFL are very very very bad ass, in regarding the prosecution of cases, they do not bother to read apology letters nor do they care if it was a simple mistake of touching in or not and whether or not you had money on your oyster card at the time.
I have a few options - either plead guilty via post (apparently the best as there is no point of going to court for all the hassle) or go to court - wearing a nice suit and try to explain what happened - however the general reaction is that - it still wont wash.
Now the only problem I have is that is is not clear whether or not I will have a criminal record on a CRB check. Now as I want to become a barrister I'm guessing a criminal record is a no no. Now what I've been reading is that I will probably end up with a non recordable criminal offence, that will not show up on the NPC (national police computer) and then there is varying opinions of whether or not one should disclose it on an application for a job.
Also very interestingly is the idea of applying PACE into an arguement, I was NOT under caution when the evidence was taken, therefore the evidence should be inadmissable n'est pas? Yet what I said and what the ticket inspectors said are being used in a court of law.
I think I shall plead guilty by post and write a letter of mitigating circumstances, such as I am a student, I had money on my oyster card but forgot to touch in blah di blah. I just do not want to have to declare this as being convicted of a criminal offence when applying for pupillage *weeps*