perhaps my blog should be renamed lazy law student.
It is reading week currently at my university and I have done no work.
I had planned seven, 12 hour days, so I could catch up on the work that i've missed this term.
As I have 11 topics to cover quite thorougly, and thought if I could get it all done, then that would be a huge help for when I come to revision to when exams start in May.
Though still haven't done anything it seems. Perhaps if I had really competitive law buddies then it would be better, however as the only other person I am really good friends with doing law is exactly like I am it doesn't help.
Need to find motivation, in life, in general.
Or possibly defer the year?
Bits of interest
5 days ago
I sometimes think I should be named Lazy Lass... especially recently when I have been lured away from studying criminal sentencing by the blogosphere...
But when I do work, I work really hard and pick things up really quickly. A lot of people need the threat of imminent failure to make them work harder - I am definitely one of them... Perhaps you are?
Don't drop out, just go and walk around temple or go to a court for a day and you will renew your interest in the law and will (hopefully) be inspired to work a bit harder!
You can't drop out - not when I've tagged you!
Oh - get the Silly Lazy Gett to drop out. We dont need blawgs from folks like this: booze merchants
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