Ah so the third year of uni begins, I guess this means that I will have to work this year to actually get a 2:1, no longer can I stay out til 5am in the morning, drinking and stumbling my way to the bus stop, onto the bus, and then procede to slag off every possible poor sod that has decided to be on the bus with me.
I have currently chosen my final options, as I have studied all the core 8 subjects horror! By studying them I mean.. I picked a few topics in revision and I was lucky enough that they came up in the exams and I did alright with what I had looked with. So my options are Company Law, Law of Evidence and Law of Medical Ethics. I switched from Labour Law to Law of evidence, because the man taking the seminar is none other than someone whom is highly respected at the criminal bar, and therefore a reference from him would surely get me a pupillage perhaps at his chambers where he practices, but seeming as I was slightly drunker then realised on that particular mini-pupillage they may have put me in the alcoholics rejection pile.
So this is the year when I am supposed to be studying, as I was supposed to have done all my mini-pupillages last year.. oops. Somewhere along the line in between the advice given to me mostly likely by other fellow bloggers, I missed doing mini-pupillages and only have one under my (currently over expanding) belt, so more shall have to be done. That and joining "societies" has to be done I feel, might look good on my CV.
Perhaps one particularly good thing I could put on my CV is that I now currently advise people on how to avoid fare evasion what do you think? Since I have installed Sitemeter, I can now tell that the only people that come to my blog are either fare dodging criminals (like msyelf) or other fellow bloggers. To mention this or not? I think I shall!! I have been doing pro bono work! My guide must have been looked at least 50 odd times, so that could have been 40 odd people I have helped, taking that and the account of the various emails I receive on the subject I could have helped about 60 people!!! Probably more than any person in an LAC would have done!! Yes I feel smug :)
I have definitely decided to go to the bar, however decisions have to be made as to whether I should LLM it or not, which BVC provider, what inn to choose (most likely middle). I have even done some extra reading (what is this?) and have picked up David Pannick's "Advocacy" which was fun in the beginning but as Mr Myerson QC has mentioned the short text has actually turned into a text book, with a legal authority for each point he makes..
I also had offered to help out with a law society, however this back fired as when I originally offered to help out it was in the form of maybe writing an article, when I attended the meeting that lasted for a good 2 hours, that perhaps writing an article wasn't enough, and I had to think hard about politics and infrastructure of a national student body.. unfortunately (or fortunately) I couldn't actually make the next meeting due to a family booze up at the sea side that I had forgotten about, since then I have had no communication with said group, perhaps they think of me as unreliable?
On another note a farewell to Law Minx who is either running around naked around Temple or has found herself a juicy pupillage. I wish you the best in what you do, and hope that you will return to the legal blogsphere! Is it me or are student blogs no longer in the mode?
Hopefully all of you starting the BVC are not too busy, as to recommend which bar school I should apply to ehy ?
Bits of interest
5 days ago
3rd year already?! Oh dear. Good luck!
The law society is a waste of time. Be careful not to spend too much time on their useless stuff, and mess up your grades (something which I have witnessed in the past)! :O
I do hope that Lawminx comes back though :(
Welcome to your last year!
I would personally advise you to work a fair amount (not too little, not too much) over a consistent period and you should end up with good grades.... I did not do that and had to work my grades up by 10 percent in my finals which meant staying in the house, in my PJ's, chain-smoking madly, so that I was able to do 18 hours of revision a day for 6 weeks.... Not something I would advise that you do!
I also did no mini's or anything legal until after my degree due to work/money commitments...
This has not really been a problem until applying for pupillage when a careers advisor pointed out my lack of work experience during my degree, as a negative. Saying that, no one else has ever, ever mentioned it - so If you have one mini, i'd prob try and get just one thing else (another mini, visiting a magistrates court-I believe you can just write in to the court and ask- or marshalling, etc) for the entire year and then focus on your exams!!
Middle is the best Inn (no bias of course!)- check out scholarship deadlines, so you get your application in!
Also - could be a good idea to take a year out and do some work experience at a solicitors or in a legal department of a business, etc, before the BVC. This is because it will help you gain pupillage but will not take up any of the precious 5 years to get pupillage after the BVC!
I appear to have rambled a bit.... :-)
Re which Bar provider - whichever one is easier to stumble home from, I'd say!
Mel is right. Middle Temple is best. For those not good enough to get into Inner Temple, that is :)
More seriously, the student activities at Inner Temple are really first rate.
Barboy how goes it at BPP? Is it still strict and worth nothing for the 14k you paid for it?
Legal lass - thanks!I dont really want it to be my last year *sobs* so much to do so little time!
Mel - brilliant idea.. i shall research the one that is easiest to stumble home from after drinks..
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