Due to my recent success in my own internal mooting competition I have been asked to fill in for an external moot next Wednesday. The girl who was originally planning to do it dropped out at the last moment, so amble opportunity for me!!! The problem was circulated early in December and I'm receiving it 5 days before the moot.. luckily I have no seminars next week, otherwise I would be up shit creek without a paddle.
I'm not sure how much I should mention, perhaps evening mentioning that I'm not sure what I should mention is a dead giveaway.. (you'll understand if you are friends with me on facebook)
Needless to say Wednesday will be very interesting!!!
I've also secured a mini with a leading criminal chambers, though the date they have offered me is right in the middle of my final year exams? Hmm exams or work experience...
Bits of interest
5 days ago
Lost, given your recent mooting success, I have no doubt whatsoever that you will be able to deal effortlessly with whatever problem comes your way ( besides, having a problem given to you at 5 days notice will be good practice for practice, when you are handed a problem either the night BEFORE a hearing or on the same DAY!)
Make the most of the dead giveaway - there will be much help on offer, of that I'm absolutely positive!!
It depends on how much the learned judge decides to batter me with the law, one of my faults is that I concede quite quickly when faced with an alternative view that is not favourable to my own!!
Ah - Standing up to the learned judge is part of it!( will stand you in good stead to do it now, in preparation for the BVC, and , indeed, what comes after!) :)
Good luck Lost!
An I would of felt that exams are more important than the experience. I could be wrong but I couldn't see someone with a 2.2 with 10 mini-pupillage's getting in......would they?
Yeh a 2:2 would ultimately suck, I already have a lot of work to do plus this external mooting/LAC/internal mooting competition/a Pink Law discrimination report/Pro Bono Unit Human Rights thing.
I think I might have to drop one of them!
I'd have thought Chambers would completely understand not being able to make those dates if you have exams.
Well done on the mooting front, 5 days will be plenty of time! I haven't mooted for many a year, but it is terribly good fun. Look forward to hearing of your successes.
Well well well, welcome to the Latin Quarter where everything is about win and loss and competition.
Hey Lost, how did it go?
we won!!!
We mooted infront of a very important blogging judge.. who in real life is just as nice as he is on his blog..
need I say no more...
Awesome - well done!!!!!!!! Can't wait to read about it on your blog.
Did you get a trophy or something?
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