Subsequent failure to turn up to jurisprudence seminars, essentially means that I have not done any work at all, this term for jurisprudence and as I cannot not turn up tomorrow for the seminar this means that one shall have to condense 5 weeks of reading into one night.. sounds like fun or not... I don't really understand jurisprudence, a lot of waffley words, big ideas, not a lot of action.
I went to the first training session of my uni's LAC, it was about interview skills, how to ask questions etc and find things out, you would have thought it was quite simple, but one guy who was my practice partner was being really difficult, and wasn't really telling me anything, so I had to fight for scraps of information, so it was much more difficult than I had imagined. I'm quite glad I got this place on the LAC, we get trained in interviewing, legal research, drafting technique etc so I'm hoping that this will be transferable skills for when I head to the bar.
Charon QC notes in one of his latest posts that law schools should be more realistic, as there are too many people chasing too many pupillages, also noted by Simon Myerson. So far all I hear is "if you are determined you will succeed" well I suppose that's a motto that anyone can use. I like the idea of being a criminal barrister et all, however I'm an ok student 2:1s and 2:2s, my student record must be abysmal due to lack of attendance, I definitely haven't one any academic prizes, I don't hold a position in any society, am fairly crap at mooting, so is life at the bar for me?
Or perhaps I have just enough time left to get myself together?
Bits of interest
5 days ago
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