Sunday, 26 July 2009

Awards Galore!!!

A very kind Minx (and shall we say inspirational ) decided to dish out some awards and I won

The Criminal Silk Wannabe of the Year Award

"Goes without any SHADOW of a DOUBT to Lost London Law Student, whose NAKED Academic - Practitioner Ambitions in the field of Criminal Law invariably mean that he will likely be a Senior Judge sitting in the Bailey before you can say ‘antidisestablishmentarianism’ ."

How she knew I do my academic work naked I'll never know, but a very special THANK YOU to the Minx who has supported all of us time and time again.


Android said...

Yay, congrats, Lost! :)

Minx said...

My Dear Lost.

( and I do hope you aren't NEKKID reading this) You're completely welcome. I just wanted to say thanks for doing a lovely job of blogging!! :)