Tuesday 9 September 2008

I wonder

how long it will be til my head explodes, so far my current interests are battling the housing association (see post below) , bookbinding, ikea, looking at desks, seeking out ornate mirrors, sourcing artwork/prints for my flat, thinking of starting another unrelated blog, will I or wont let my lesbian friend live in my spare room as apparently she is can get quite, noisy (need I say more) pulling freshers, arranging things in my wardrobe, should I do criminal law, what work experience do I need, should I start exercising, should I get a job, should I look at my law text books some of which I have never opened.

Yet none of these are actually really important. I fear that I have go to the grown up land and that the little Peter Pan inside me has died, under the lists of things that I have/want to do are being made at 4pm after I have woken up after having gone to bed a 4am and doing practically nothing those 12 hours, nothing of use anyway.

I waste too much time, I could have filled this summer with a job, or some more work experience however I have failed to have done so. So does it get any better once you are older? Do you get to do all the things you need to do or just you have a list of things a mile long that you eventually need to do? My old flatmate's dad used to have a monthly schedule of what he would do on his weekends off!

Please someone put me out of my misery (we'll argue that I called you a collaborator with the on the VHCC and I’m sure that will satisfy both provocation tests) if I end up like that, hopefully I will be earning so much in practice that I can afford people to do this for me? Perhaps I could even be sufficiently lucky to another £7.20 on the lottery again!!

Pretending to be a grown up is hard, why can't someone else do things for me, I will happily vacate my body and go to the barrister nirvana of pupillage (A minxvention) a truly spiritual place I hear after one goes through the soul destroying process of the BVC and OLPAS.


Minx said...

Speaking as an Old Bag, I can safely say that really, unless you determine to make things happen, then they wont happen. Nothing falls into your lap, especially in law unless you are INCREDIBLY Lucky or have a Daddy or Mummy who just happens to be a Silk/High Court Judge/Lord Of Appeal/Law Lord

All this said, I do rather think that you make yourself a list of things to do, but the list changes as you change; sometimes you look back and think " pooh, I wish I'd done that!!" or "pooh I am soooooo glad I DID'NT do that!!" I think thats called life; no ones is perfect and nearly all of us have regrets. Dont be in too much of a hurry to get older - just try and embrace and enjoy the present! (DAMN, I am beginning to sound like Zen Dawg!)

Lost said...

Did you not see my name on Facebook as Lost Hale? lol :( Ah I suppose we do really have to work for things we want, no longer can I just sit and hopefully try and wing it!

I like lists :) So I shall continue and strive to do better!